Partners, Initiatives & Campaigns
Program Partners & Initiatives
GPCF serves as an umbrella organization and financial manager for many other organizations. By banding together, these organizations achieve efficiency of scale while maintaining independent advisory committees.

Business Partner in Philanthropy Program
We offer much gratitude and thanks to Brownell’s Inc, GreenState Credit Union, Grinnell College, Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance, and Manatts, Inc for their operational support through the Business Partner in Philanthropy Program.
Through the Business Partner in Philanthropy Program, GPCF partners with Poweshiek County area businesses who support the Foundation’s work through an annual gift to operations. The program has allowed GPCF to expand our reach supporting community granting, increasing economies of scale for small nonprofits and providing more effective outreach for donors, grant-seekers, and partner organizations.

Grinnell-Newburg High School Alumni Association
Objectives and Purposes:
- To provide activities, communications and other services for those who attended schools in the Grinnell-Newburg Community School District and other members of the Association.
- To foster and support the educational and related activities to the Grinnell-Newburg Community School District.
- To support the efforts of the Grinnell-Newburg Community School District Scholarship Program, and encourage contributions to that fund.

Tiger Scholarship Fund
The Tiger Scholarship Fund is an all-volunteer board of directors whose purpose is to expand access to higher education by partnering with donors to support and encourage educational achievement through scholarships for Grinnell-Newburg High School graduates.

Grinnell-Newburg School Foundation (GNSF)
To ensure that our school district can continue to provide an excellent academic program for all students and continue making strides toward its goals for student achievement, GNSF pledges to:
GNSF is committed to accomplishing its mission through the following funds:

Grinnell Tiger Football Club
Tiger Football Club supports the reorganization of youth football in Grinnell and enables opportunities for student football athletes to attend camps and obtain proper equipment.

Jasper, Marion, Poweshiek (JMP) Early Childhood Iowa Area
To assure that families in Jasper, Marion, and Poweshiek Counties have access to affordable, high-quality childcare, early intellectual stimulation for children, are free of child abuse, and have the skills and services necessary to be healthy and strong.
JMP Early Childhood Iowa Area provides funding for programming aimed at children ages 0-5, including preschool scholarships, day care fees for low-income families, training for childcare providers and teachers, support programs for at-risk families, and community-based literacy projects.
Community Support Services
GPCF has been a partner of the Community Support Services program since 2006.
Partnering with the Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation has allowed GPCF to more efficiently support community granting, increase economies of scale for small non-profits and provide more effective outreach for donors, grant-seekers, and partner organizations. This collaboration has helped Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation increase their assets substantially which in turn benefits Poweshiek County. Every fund established with Greater Poweshiek has access to the collaborative benefits of the Community Support Service program.