Fund Descriptions

Benda Fund

Benda Fund provides financial support for the community of Hartwick, Iowa.

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Brooklyn Community Foundation

Brooklyn Community Foundation Endowment Fund

Brooklyn Community Foundation Endowment Fund supports the community foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing and supporting the quality of life in Brooklyn.

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Brooklyn Historical Society Endowment Fund

Brooklyn Historical Society Endowment Fund supports the historical society, which works to foster awareness and appreciation of Brooklyn are history, preserve local artifacts, and assist with community historical activities.

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Brooklyn Fire and Rescue patch

Brooklyn Volunteer Fire Department Endowment Fund

Brooklyn Volunteer Fire Department Endowment Fund supports the operations of the Brooklyn Volunteer Fire Department.

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Central Iowa Christian School Designated Fund

Central Iowa Christian School Fund provides financial support for the Central Iowa Christian School established in Grinnell in 1983, serving children in grades kindergarten through 8th grade.

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Central Park Campaign – Inclusive Playground:

The $290,000 Central Park Inclusive Playground Campaign provides playground equipment tailored to fit the needs of all recognized disabilities whether they are sensory, cognitive, or physical.

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Chris’ Heart Fund

Chris’ Heart Fund provides support for Poweshiek County area charitable causes related to community volunteers and those experiencing emergency situations.

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Christmas Shares Fund

The Christmas Shares fund and program assists Poweshiek County individuals and families who are experiencing financial hardship or illness by providing gifts during the holidays.

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Citizens Scholarship Foundation of BGM Endowment Fund

Citizens Scholarship Foundation of BGM Endowment Fund provides support for the Citizen Scholarship Foundation of BGM.

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Community Education Collaborative (CEC) Fund

The Community Education Collaborative (CEC) fund, formerly the Community Education Council, supports the CEC in their mission to coordinate community education in Grinnell through Bucket Courses and other educational efforts.

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Community Fund for Poweshiek

When you support the Community Fund for Poweshiek County endowment you become a grant maker helping to support charitable projects across Poweshiek County. Since the first grants in 2013, more than $70,000 has been distributed from the Community Fund for projects such as fire department upgrades, support for technology in K-12 schools, historic preservation activities and community development projects.

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Doupnik /Hawkins Family Music Endowment Fund

The Doupnik/Hawkins Family Music Endowment Fund was established to honor the memory of John F. and Irene Doupnik and Norris N. and Harriet E. Hawkins. The fund provides annual support for the Grinnell-Newburg High School Music Department to purchase instruments, honorarium for guests, registration/entry fees, equipment and/or field trips.

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Dr. Kevin W. Sterk Elementary Student Needs Endowment Fund

The Dr. Kevin W. Sterk Elementary Student Needs Endowment Fund was created by Glenn and Ginger Sterk in memory of their son and is used to provide nutritional and physical needs support to students in lower elementary schools in Grinnell.

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Drake Community Library Endowment Fund

The Drake Community Library Endowment Fund supports programming activities and community outreach initiatives of the Drake Community Library and was started in honor of longtime library director, Lorna Caulkins.

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Early Childhood Endowment Fund

The Early Childhood Endowment Fund supports early childhood programs in the Grinnell community so they can continue to deliver the highest possible quality of care and educational experience for early learners by enhancing programs and providers’ and teachers’ compensation, benefits and training.

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East Poweshiek Ambulance patch

East Poweshiek County Ambulance Service Endowment Fund

The East Poweshiek County Ambulance Service Endowment Fund supports the operations of the East Poweshiek County Ambulance Fund.

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Greater Poweshiek Community Foundation Administrative Fund

Gifts to the GPCF Administrative Fund pay for the Community Foundation’s ongoing expenses, including overhead, staffing and support services. 

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Grinnell Area Arts Council Endowment

The Grinnell Area Arts Council Endowment Fund supports the work of the Grinnell Area Arts Council including arts education, scholarships, and programming such as Grinnell Community Theatre, the Stew Makerspace and Stewart Gallery, as well as general operations.

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Grinnell Education Partnership

This fund provides a source of revenue for each of the Grinnell Education Partnership/Grinnell AmeriCorps Program task force groups: summer learning, after school enrichment, school readiness and healthy readers

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Grinnell Early Learning Center Endowment

Your gift supports the continued need-blind admission process of the Grinnell Community Early Learning Center (formally Grinnell Community Daycare and Preschool) ensuring all children have access to affordable, high quality childcare.

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Grinnell Historical Museum Campaign

This $1.5 million campaign will help renovate the interior of the new museum space at 703 1st Avenue to properly honor Grinnell’s rich history and create an accessible museum space for patrons of all abilities for education, tourism, and engagement with Grinnell’s history by April 2025.

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Grinnell Historical Museum Endowment Fund

The Grinnell Historical Museum Endowment Fund provides a link to the city’s history through research, preservation and educational programs. Income from the fund helps provide the museum with revenue for operating expenses and special projects.

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Grinnell Lions Club Fund

The Grinnell Lions Club Fund supports local charitable causes as directed by the Club.

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Grinnell Mutual Care and Share Fund

The Grinnell Mutual Care and Share Fund provides financial support to Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company employees who are experiencing a tragedy or serious life disruption.

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Grinnell-Newburg Alumni Association

The Grinnell High School Alumni Association is a program partner of GPCF. The Grinnell High School Alumni Association Fund provides financial support for activities and outreach to Grinnell-Newburg High School alums and coordinates All-School reunions.

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Grinnell-Newburg School Foundation

The GNSF mission is to ensure the continuation of successful educational programs and to grant funds for new research-based initiatives to assist the school district’s efforts to provide a high-quality public education to all students.

Mini Grants

GNSF Endowment

Safe Return to School Fund


Re-Imagining Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Fund

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Grinnell Regional Medical Center Endowment Fund

The Grinnell Regional Medical Center Endowment Fund assures the long-term success and prosperity of the medical center, providing support for capital improvements, construction projects, large equipment purchases, special programs, and other needs. GRMC is a private, nonprofit, non-tax supported hospital.

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Grinnell Regional Mental Health Endowment Fund

The Grinnell Regional Mental Health Endowment Fund supports mental health activities of the hospital.

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Grinnell School of Music Fund

Grinnell School of Music Fund supports the operations and programming of the Grinnell School of Music, a music school for children and adults.

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Grinnell United Methodist Church Endowment Fund

This endowment helps support the operational and mission-related activities of the Grinnell United Methodist Church.

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Grinnell Veterans Monument and Plaza Campaign

The Grinnell Veterans Monument and Plaza Campaign will assist the Grinnell Veterans Commission with the completion of a monument and surrounding plaza in Central Park. The monument will honor past, present and future veterans and serve as a reminder of their service to our country.

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Imagine Grinnell Endowment Fund

This endowed fund ensures that Imagine Grinnell continues to support the health and well-being of the Grinnell community for many years to come.

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Instant Impact Grant Fund

Your gift to this unrestricted fund supports immediate, unexpected needs for local nonprofits in a timely manner through a simple application process at GPCF.

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Jasper Marion Poweshiek County Early Childhood Iowa

JMP Early Childhood Iowa Area

Gifts to JMP help ensure that families with young children in Jasper, Marion and Poweshiek counties have access to affordable, high quality child care and preschools, are free from child abuse, and have the skills and services needed to be healthy and strong.

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Malcom Ivy Hill Cemetery Endowment Fund

Gifts to the Malcom Ivy Hill Cemetery Endowment Fund provides ongoing financial support for the maintenance of the cemeteries located in Malcom, Iowa area.

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Mayflower Human Needs Endowment Fund

The Mayflower Community in Grinnell is an affordable senior living and healthcare organization that provides home and support to its residents. Earnings from the Human Needs Endowment Fund are used to help residents who are unable to pay the full cost of their healthcare.

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Michael J. Manatt Community Center Endowment Fund

The Michael J. Manatt Community Center Endowment Fund supports the charitable purposes of the Michael J. Manatt Community Center.

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Montezuma Community Fund Endowment

The Montezuma Community Fund supports the work of charitable organizations that serve the Montezuma community.

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Montezuma Food Pantry Endowment

The Montezuma Food Pantry Endowment Fund supports the operations of the Montezuma Food Pantry, a nonprofit food pantry and clothing closet. The pantry partners with local organizations and the Northeast Iowa Food Bank to offer food, including meat and produce as well as personal care items and clothing to those in need in the Montezuma area

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Montezuma United Methodist Church Endowment Fund

The Montezuma United Methodist Endowment Fund is A fund to support the operational activities of the Montezuma United Methodist Church.

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nonprofit emergency relief fund

Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund

The NERF fund supports local nonprofit organizations and public entities in Poweshiek County, Iowa, to help cover programmatic, operational, and equipment costs. Grants from this fund also support relief, recovery, and resiliency efforts for Poweshiek County, Iowa, nonprofits and public entities negatively affected by emergencies and natural disasters.

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This fund supports the Poweshiek Animal League Shelter (PALS), a local organization that cares for cats and dogs 365 days per year. The shelter has helped over 1,000 cats and dogs find loving homes.

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Poweshiek County Alliance Endowment

Gifts to this fund are combined with distributions from the State of Iowa to positively impact local communities through a competitive grant program. Since 2006, more than $1,190,000 in grants have been awarded for community development, education, health, historic preservation and human service projects throughout Poweshiek County.

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Poweshiek County Conservation Endowment

Your gift to this permanent fund provides for the education, acquisition and maintenance of public grounds, recreational centers and county areas and promotes and preserves the conservation of natural resources in Poweshiek County for future generations.

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Racial Equity Fund

The Racial Equity Fund was established by Grinnell College in partnership with the Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation to support anti-racism work in the Grinnell area to advance racial equity so that the structures we influence are less likely to negatively impact Black, Indigenous, and people of color. The fund provides grants to further the work of community organizations actively addressing individual and/or institutional racism by changing policies, institutions, or systems.

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Renewed Hope Home Furnishings Fund

The Renewed Hope Home Furnishings Fund supports the operations of the program by the same name and includes making home furnishings available to those that need them. The Renewed Hope Home Furnishings program is a ministry of the Grinnell Friends Church.

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The Second Mile Logo

Second Mile Endowment

The Second Mile Endowment Fund supports the operations of the Second Mile, a nonprofit thrift store that uses items donated and donations from the community to serve families in need either through cash donations or items from their stock.

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S.H.E COUNTS Endowment

Gifts to this permanent fund help the S.H.E Counts Committee to remove barriers through programming for women and girls in Poweshiek County.

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Station Clubhouse Fund

This fund supports the Station Clubhouse, a psychosocial rehab day program offering support services to adults who live in the community and are diagnosed with a serious or persistent mental health disability.

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Tiger Scholarship Fund Endowment

With a goal of reaching $1 million in the endowment, support to this fund will help the Tiger Scholarship Fund offer $500 scholarships to all current and future GHS graduates that apply to continue their education after graduation.

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Tiger Football Club

Tiger Football Club supports youth football in Grinnell and enables opportunities for student football athletes to attend camps and obtain proper equipment.

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Tom & Connie Marshall Administrative Endowment Fund

The Tom and Connie Marshall Administrative Endowment Fund seeks to expand the administrative fund to $1 million. Earnings from this fund will provide support for the operating expenses of the GPCF. If the community is able to raise $800,000, the Claude W. & Dolly Ahrens Foundation has made a commitment to contribute $100,000!

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TT Cranny Renovation Campaign

Please Help Us Keep TT Cranny A Community Showcase For Decades To Come! Your gift to this campaign will support the second phase of the project to improve the stadium entrance, renovate existing structures such as restrooms and press boxes, and upgrade the scoreboard and sound system to augment the turf field installed in September 2022. Help support your Tigers!

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